Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meandering thoughts on grace

Several years ago, I was introduced to an online program called The Virtual Bible Study ( ). It is produced by a Church of Christ congregation in Columbia, TN. I have particpipated in many of the shows over the past few years. I hope that my participation in the show has at least  fostered respectful dialogue between people with sometimes very different points of view. Tonight's topic was on grace. I have tried to be a well-informed Catholic through frequent study of Scripture, the Catechism, papal encyclicals, and various other works from respected sources. Tonight's show reminded me that even a well-informed Catholic can be faced with questions and topics about which he knows less than he should. For this I am grateful, as it has been to me a grace of God to prompt me to study more. It is one thing to give a textbook definition and another to understand a subject intimately. I do know that I have been the recipient of God's grace throughout my life, even when I wasn't actively seeking it. It is fortunate that God does not judge us on what we know. We are judged according to our obedience to what we do know. That itself is a grace, and it is a humbling truth to the man who places his trust in his intellect and knowledge.